What's the
Lisbon Time and Date
Right now the Lisbon Time
and Date are the following:
During Winter months,
Lisbon and the rest of Portugal (except Azores), the time is equivalent
to GMT or
UTC time.
During Summer months
or Daylight Saving Time
(DST), the time is GMT+1.
DST starts in the last Sunday of March and ends in the last Sunday of
October (when Winter Time starts, of course).
This means that if are coming from
the UK or Ireland you don't
need to
change your watch because the time is the same as your country
is the only
exception to this rule since it is always one hour
earlier than the rest of Portugal mainland and Madeira.
If you're arriving from Spain
you have to change your clock to one hour
If you're coming from New York (USA) you have to change it
to five hours ahead.
In Portugal we usually use the
24-hour clock, so 1PM is 13h00, 2PM is
14h00 and so on.